Monday, December 27, 2010

Grail or Fail: Maybelline Eyestudio creamshadow

Hey girls! so today I wanted to review a great product that an ahmazing friend of mine got me! Ok so the trio I'm going to be review is the Maybelline eystudio creamshadow in 25 neatral!

I love this product because it is supper creamy and has verry nice color payoff. All the color blend together verry well and this specific trio has verry nice everyday natrual colours. Another thing I really like about this pallet is that the first color (circled in red) is a perfect dupe for M.A.C's Painterly Paint pot (16.50$) and the maybelline trio is only a third of the price for three cream shadows! I also like how you can build up all the colors too creat a very bold look, you can also wear all this and blend to make it look really natrual and sweet. My favourite of the three shadows is the mauve brown color (circled in blue).
Considering that this product is only 7$ there are a few flaws. Firstly all the colors look much more pigmneted on your hand then they do on your eylids. Another flaw is that these eyeshadows really crease, even with a great primer.

So in my opinion this product (even though it does have a few flaws) is a grail product! I justify this because for its price it is a great product.

Painterly Paint pot

Maybelline eyestudio cream shadow
I hope you girls liked this review! Please let me know if you would like to see more of these reviews or if you want me to stick to doing tutorials! Comment letting me know what you like and dont like

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